Android Is Soon Going To Be In Cars

Android Is Soon Going To Be In Cars

We’ve seen more and more cars have the benefit of various smart devices and navigation systems built into their interfaces. It’s coming to be expected that a newer car possesses these features and makes life easier for the driver. Recently, Google announced that...
5 Care Tips for Electric Powered Cars

5 Care Tips for Electric Powered Cars

There’s no denying that completely electric cars are the future, giving us a way to reduce our dependence on oil. They’re also eco-friendly, which means we can help to save the environment, while we also save money and resources. However, getting your...
Are Self-Driving Cars Safe to Use?

Are Self-Driving Cars Safe to Use?

Currently, one of the hottest topics discussed in the world of technology is the implementation of autonomous vehicles and whether or not they will be safer to use than typical cars. When considering a case of this magnitude, the best way is to lay out the pros and...