Using Facebook comes with certain privacy risks. While the social media site reassures individual users that it takes their privacy seriously, the recent news about their breach from Cambridge Analytica indicates otherwise. There’s plenty of cause for concern about...
The past few years, it’s become increasingly common to hear that companies were hacked and accidentally leaked confidential information about their clients or customers. Most often, this issue occurred at retailers who had certain credit card information stored....
Are you doing enough to protect your blog from cyber attacks and intrusion? It’s frustrating when you invest countless hours into your blog, only to discover that it’s been compromised by a hacker. Maybe the hacker is redirecting your blog to another...
As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more and more popular, there are lots of questions being raised about its security. While yes, it’s incredibly convenient to have all your devices connect to one another so seamlessly, the question occurs time and time again...