3 Tech Terms: Part 3 – The “Not Food” Version

3 Tech Terms: Part 3 – The “Not Food” Version

  Oftentimes we hear tech terms thrown around with ease, but we aren’t entirely sure of their true meaning. We might understand that a phone or a computer needs a “chip”, but we may not know exactly what it does. In 3 Tech Terms: Part 3, we are going to look at 3...
Technology For Your Pets

Technology For Your Pets

We love our fur babies, and we want the very best for them. So why not give them the best gadgets money can buy? Here are a few things you might want to pick up for your pets that the world of technology has made possible.   Automatic Feeders   Photo Credit:...
How To Prevent Spear Phishing

How To Prevent Spear Phishing

In this article, I discussed what spear phishing is and the danger it poses to an individual’s or business’s private and confidential information. In short, it is someone who attempts to learn your day to day activities and then utilizes the information by emailing or...
What Is Spear Phishing?

What Is Spear Phishing?

As much as I would love to say that spear-phishing is a lake or ocean fishing expedition, it’s not. In the technological world, spear-phishing is a term used when someone is attempting to steal sensitive information, specifically from an individual. They do a...
Technology That Benefits Our Aging Population

Technology That Benefits Our Aging Population

Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash   Technology has given us many ways to make our lives both easier and more comfortable. One population, in particular, we often don’t think about, can also benefit greatly from technology, our aging population....
3 Tech Terms: Part 2

3 Tech Terms: Part 2

There are quite a few technical terms out there, so let’s continue to improve our tech vocabulary.   Blockchain This is a technology that deals with data and who can see it. Basically it allows partners and other business entities to see data that is globally...