How to Find the Best Podcast for You

How to Find the Best Podcast for You

There are nearly an endless amount of podcasts out there on any topic you could possibly choose. No matter what sparks your passion or what you want to learn more about, it’s likely that you can find a podcast on it. Thanks to technology such as cell phones, laptops,...
First, Self-Driving Cars, Next? Self-Flying Planes

First, Self-Driving Cars, Next? Self-Flying Planes

By now, most people are accustomed to the concept of self-driving cars, even though they may not feel entirely comfortable riding in them. However, estimates show that millions of self-driving cars could be on the road in a few short years. Other studies reveal that...
Why You Should Automate Your Social Media

Why You Should Automate Your Social Media

While you can certainly automate personal social media posts, and you probably should if you’re a social media influencer or are use social media in a business capacity as opposed to a personal one, this post is mainly directed toward businesses and marketers. In just...
Are Self-Driving Cars Safe to Use?

Are Self-Driving Cars Safe to Use?

Currently, one of the hottest topics discussed in the world of technology is the implementation of autonomous vehicles and whether or not they will be safer to use than typical cars. When considering a case of this magnitude, the best way is to lay out the pros and...
4 Cool Pieces of Tech for Your Home

4 Cool Pieces of Tech for Your Home

Having a smart home is becoming quite normal and every year incredible new technology comes out that you can use in your home. We’re familiar with lights that are controlled by an app on your phone and pieces of tech like Amazon’s Alexa that respond to voice commands....