Facebook is the most popular social media platform in the world, netting 2.23 billion monthly users, which comes out to nearly a third of the world’s entire population. With so many regular users, it only makes sense that Facebook is the most useful social media platform to promote businesses.

An early 2018 poll asked an undisclosed number of professional marketers about social media marketing and which platforms were their favorites. A whopping 67 percent of respondents claimed that Facebook was at the top of their lists.

These highlights are just a few of the many ways you can use Facebook to successfully promote your business. When you dedicate the time and effort, you’ll see great results from utilizing Facebook in your marketing efforts.

High exposure to ads

Members of Facebook spend an average of 40 minutes per day on the website. Considering the average United States resident spends just 100 minutes on social networks each day, advertising on Facebook makes sense if you’re looking for customers to be exposed repeatedly to ads, promos, and marketing content.

Facebook users could forget that they saw or heard your advertisements while scrolling through the social media platform. However, if your business is performing or purchasing adequate research to find the most accurate profile possible of your average customer, users are likely to remember your ads because they’re accurately designed to appeal to that customer base.

Keep up with your competition

Facebook is home to millions of business pages. Virtually all major corporations have Facebook pages to represent their organizations and interact with customers. The vast majority of the social network’s business pages, however, belong to small businesses. If you want to adequately compete with your competition, especially if you’re a small business, it’s important to make the most of the opportunity for marketing that Facebook provides.

You get plenty of free information

Thanks to all the private information Facebook has collected and analyzed over the years, it has developed an advertising system that allows businesses to target their desired audiences without carrying out any research themselves. Instead of taking the time to do countless hours of research on your own or hire someone to do it for your company, you can utilize the information Facebook already has available. It can still be beneficial to conduct your own research, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use what Facebook offers and begin advertising. Start promoting your business now and then adjust your ads accordingly as you see how they perform and as you conduct your own research.