Thanks to online streaming, no one cares about television anymore. Let’s be more direct by saying that your grandmother, who watches the news every morning and night, accounts for a small consumer demographic, so money isn’t being invested in her. Television isn’t dead in the traditional sense. People are still buying TVs—and by the bundle. However, unless it has Bluetooth, that TV is a dud.

What people are using TVs for is streaming. If you can’t afford a new one, then the next best place to watch modern media is on your cellphone, tablet, desk or laptop.

There’s a shift in viewership and, thus, how businesses are being advertised.

Advertising—The Real Challenge With TV Viewership

Don’t get us wrong when we highlight the shift in the consumer’s viewing habits. In fact, the programs that people are watching on Netflix, Amazon and Disney Plus are shows that initially aired on some form of cable TV. The problem with these “traditional” media outlets has to do with options. Viewers now have the option of avoiding television commercials. They can watch their favorite programs without finding ads.

How & Where Marketers Are Adjusting

Patience is the name of the game as online streaming changes how brands distribute their ads.

Surprise, the winner in this bout of ad revenue, based on what researchers found, is a podcast. Not only does this outlet make product placement ideal, but the statistics show that roughly 90 percent of all listeners will sit through an entire pod show. Edison Research sees this market as having the potential to generate the new billion-dollar outlet for major advertisers. It’s worth considering.

A podcast is scalable for ads because of its different industries and niches. Its spectrum of topics with fresh identities give brands, even ones we don’t know, the ideal consumer for every product or service. Look at the limited programs of a TV channel, which is dictated by a 24-hour schedule. Advertisers could only make sense of their ad-spend if the shows airing aligned to the consumer they were after.

This is no longer a challenge with the optimization of podcasts. There are common, advanced and unheard-of categories to target a consumer group through. The potentials are expansive, and according to leading marketers, the reality has yet to be fully tapped into. Look to audio. Do it now if you want a future ad impact.

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash.