There are nearly an endless amount of podcasts out there on any topic you could possibly choose. No matter what sparks your passion or what you want to learn more about, it’s likely that you can find a podcast on it. Thanks to technology such as cell phones, laptops, and Bluetooth, you can fairly easily listen to a podcast no matter where you are. If you have a long morning commute, it’s a perfect time to check out a new podcast or catch up with your favorite. However, choosing a podcast can be incredibly difficult, especially when there are so many to choose from and many great ones that people recommend. Here are some tips for choosing the podcast that fits you best!

Choose a broad theme

There are a couple types of podcasts you can choose from, but you should start with a broad theme. Consider why you want to listen to a podcast; is it to learn something? To be entertained? For self-improvement? Start by first choosing a general theme, such as humor, television, technology, or something else. Then, think about what you’re looking for on a more specific level. Do you want to learn about a certain time in history? Are you wondering how the Internet of Things works? Did you want to listen to people discuss your favorite television show? Once you have a better idea of what you’re specifically looking for, it’ll be easier to find a great podcast.

When will you listen to it?

Before choosing your new podcast, think about when you plan to listen to it. If you’re going to listen on your morning commute or while you’re doing something that doesn’t need your full concentration, a more detailed podcast could be a good option. However, if you want something to listen to in the background while you’re at work, you should look for something that you do not have to dedicate all of your focus to.

Check out recommendations

A great way to find new podcasts is by simply following recommendations. There are often podcasts that frequently receive overwhelmingly positive reviews. Ask your friends for recommendations or simply browse the web to find lists of the top podcasts. If there’s someone who’s an expert on a topic that piques your interest, learn if they have any podcast recommendations for that subject.

Use a podcast search engine
As I mentioned before, podcasts are becoming increasingly popular and offer incredible variety. Because so many people love podcasts, others have noticed this trend and worked on ways to make it easier for listeners to discover new podcasts or locate their favorites. There are plenty of podcast search engine tools you can use to find a new show to listen to. These tools use a variety of ways to connect you with podcasts, so do some research and see which one fits you the best.