This question is one of the most common amongst smartphone users. We cannot live without our phones and they help us out in virtually every area of our lives. When you first get a new phone, you might not have to charge it for a day or two and never worry about it...
Installing devices in your home to make it a “smart home” is becoming more and more popular as well as affordable. I recently wrote a blog highlighting some specific pieces of tech for your smart home, but I’d like to go into more detail about the many benefits from...
Last month, I attended Podcast Movement in Anaheim, CA, joined by founder Leo Laporte and Jerry Wagley, Creative Director at Podcasting conferences are a wonderful opportunity to meet with fellow podcasters and agencies we work with – in many...
Technology has become an integral part of our lives, with nearly industry having some kind of tech to make it work better. Many businesses are open to using the technology applicable to their industry, but some are slow to utilize other kinds of technology that make...
As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more and more popular, there are lots of questions being raised about its security. While yes, it’s incredibly convenient to have all your devices connect to one another so seamlessly, the question occurs time and time again...