How the Internet of Things Will Affect You

How the Internet of Things Will Affect You

The Internet of Things (IoT) has already begun making an impact in businesses and your daily lives. Whether it’s connecting devices in your house and controlling them with your phone or using your car’s Bluetooth capabilities, many of us are already connected to the...
3 Incredibly Successful Tech Entrepreneurs

3 Incredibly Successful Tech Entrepreneurs

Technology is the major way in which humans communicate, learn, work, and more. Here are a few entrepreneurs that revolutionized the world of technology that eventually led to their success. Reed Hastings Netflix: Co-founder and CEO (and serves on the board of...
New Wearable Tech You Should Definitely Purchase

New Wearable Tech You Should Definitely Purchase

Wearable tech is becoming more and more popular; all you have to do is look around your office and see how many people are wearing a fitness tracker. There are various new products that help athletes and fitness enthusiasts track their vitals and steps, but wearables...