Tech Trends Effecting The Engineering & Design Worlds

Tech Trends Effecting The Engineering & Design Worlds

Technology is changing the world at an unprecedented rate. Everything from transportation to building and construction has seen a major upheaval in recent years. This trend is not likely to change anytime soon and it is already starting to have a big effect on the...
A Marketable Shift In The Hands of Digital Technology

A Marketable Shift In The Hands of Digital Technology

Thanks to online streaming, no one cares about television anymore. Let’s be more direct by saying that your grandmother, who watches the news every morning and night, accounts for a small consumer demographic, so money isn’t being invested in her. Television isn’t...
6 Benefits of Google Analytics for Your Company

6 Benefits of Google Analytics for Your Company

There are many benefits to using Google Analytics for your company. You can gain great insights to the health of your website and find ways to improve the user experience. Google Analytics are fairly easy to set up on your website and Google even offers a range of...
3 Tactics To Help Your Tech Startup Succeed

3 Tactics To Help Your Tech Startup Succeed

Roughly 80 percent of all new startups will fail. If you already have a successful startup under your belt, that increases your chances of getting another business up and running to 30%. The truth is, there are just so many things that can go wrong with a startup that...
3 Incredibly Successful Tech Entrepreneurs

3 Incredibly Successful Tech Entrepreneurs

Technology is the major way in which humans communicate, learn, work, and more. Here are a few entrepreneurs that revolutionized the world of technology that eventually led to their success. Reed Hastings Netflix: Co-founder and CEO (and serves on the board of...