There are A LOT of tech terms out there, and many of them also start with “D”. But in this incident, these D’s are all connected; particularly with the internet. DNS This acronym stands for Domain Name System. What’s it for? Simplified, it’s what matches names...
We love our fur babies, and we want the very best for them. So why not give them the best gadgets money can buy? Here are a few things you might want to pick up for your pets that the world of technology has made possible. Automatic Feeders Photo Credit:...
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash Technology has given us many ways to make our lives both easier and more comfortable. One population, in particular, we often don’t think about, can also benefit greatly from technology, our aging population....
The establishing of artificial intelligence (AI) and its integration into computerized technology are consequently bringing about the rapid rise of facial recognition applications. These are in use already, and your face might have previously been recognized several...
As 2019 came to a close, 5G was one of the many tech subjects that was promised to have big results in 2020. Multiple countries either plan their first 5G rollout, major 5G upgrades, or massive new functions with 5G for 2020. How are those projects coming along, and...